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  High damage-per-second output should be your number one goal in making a Karateka. Comebacks are highly unreliable.


  Xemyr Le Bae is currently HONOO's most "successful" Karateka. Karatekas have the highest ceiling, but the hardest time in HONOO.

HONOO/Shoot Style Unification System Guide Version 2



  The Karateka has the highest defenses of any HONOO class, starting with 2s in each DEF parameter category (excluding MMA and entertainment). Their spirit is strong, and they have access to Ukemi.


  A defining trait is the ability to pick any critical style. However, they do not gain XP from CRITICALs. Instead, Karatekas gain an OFF buff of 1 point to all parameters (excluding MMA and entertainment) for every 10 matches they have. Every time they return from injury, they receive a DEF buff of 1 point to all parameters.


  Due to the nature of martial arts, you are allowed to pick from one of three stances: Koppo, Mysterious, or Kobudo

  Preferred Style: All

The Karateka cannot perform suplexes or lifts. Judo throws are exceptions to this rule. Closed fist strikes and mount strikes are also banned.

  No Karateka can currently stand up to a higher tier fighter in HONOO. This is because of their Ukemi, set to 60/40/0. This means that 60% of the time when a Karateka is in small damage, they will take damage they wouldn't normally take in order to gain spirit. Karatekas have more comeback potential than anyone else in HONOO, but sustaining that much damage ensures it won't last long.

  Karatekas have a very high skill ceiling. If they continue to fight, they will continue to get better.

Creating a Good Karateka

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